Sunshine is Power - Elgin Energy


Starting with just a logo, Elgin Energy came to us to bring its brand to life with their people at the heart of it.


Renewable Energy


Brand formalisation
Brand personality
Brand guidelines
Website Design & Build
Multi-language website
Website training
Brand roll-out design



A business that had established itself and grown exponentially in the renewable energy space, Elgin Energy came to us with many moving parts in the air. It was our job to bring the brand together under one concise, formalised identity. The ‘People and Culture’ department within the company was developed to support and engage with staff. We were tasked with creating a brand personality and brand roll-out for their internal communications. This roll-out included a new website, office decals, digital signatures, and art direction.

As natural as sunlight, our language is honest, authentic and relatable. And just like the sun, we encourage growth, build strength, foster positivity, and generate warmth.
— Elgin Energy, How We Speak


Meeting multiple members of the Elgin Energy team during various stages of this project, it was obvious that there is a spark that unites them all. Each person was brimming with passion, full of ideas, and open to the creative process. A good starting point for sure. The main goal for the original body of work was to uniform all these ideas, and to gather the scattered pieces of the brand, into one brand bible. This was achieved by combining a rich, fresh visual language with a formalisation of the brand tone of voice and personality.



Following the success of the brand identity, we consulted with Elgin about the brand roll-out and required next steps involved in bringing it all to life.

A website that accurately showcased who they are as a company was top of the list. We began an extensive web project then that once more brought together multiple members of the company in collaboration. We established a clear timeline with specific points for joint feedback in order to manage the many voices involved.

Considerations for the website needed to include language options for new and emerging markets. We also provided website training to the team in order for them to be able to make small changes going forward.

Once launched, our attention moved to creating other supporting brand materials like an office wall decal, digital signatures, and documents.